What is the meaning of Talent?

A marked natural ability or skill.

A unit of weight and money used in ancient times in Greece, the Roman Empire, and the Middle East, equal to about 30 to 60 kg in various times and places.

A desire or inclination for something.

People of talent, viewed collectively; a talented person.

The men or (especially) women of a place or area, judged by their attractiveness.

talent (Greek money)

talent (skill)


talent (unit of weight)

talent (actual or potential ability)

talent (potential or factual ability to perform a skill better than most people)

talent (unit of weight and money)

talent (gift, quality, capability)

talent (ancient weight, value of money or coin)

a talent (an obsolete unit of weight or money)

a talent, a gift, a knack

A talent (ancient unit of money or weight)

Will, inclination, or desire.

A base inclination or urge (especially lustful or for food)

An emotion or feeling (especially positive or affectionate)

A purpose; a plan or idea serving one.

Capacity, character, or nature.

A talent (ability, skill).

(a) talent

(a) talent

desire; wish (to do something)

talent, gift

talent (ancient unit of weight and money)

talented person



third-person plural imperfect/conditional of talu

ability, aptitude

talent (coin)

Source: wiktionary.org