What is the meaning of Opera?

A theatrical work, combining drama, music, song and sometimes dance.

The score for such a work.

A building designed for the performance of such works; an opera house.

A company dedicated to performing such works.

Any showy, melodramatic or unrealistic production resembling an opera.

plural of opus; a collection of work.


opera (theatrical work, score)

opera (score)

opera (building)

Short form of operatu (to operate).

inflection of operar:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative



of or relating to opera

opera (a theatrical work combining drama, music, song and sometimes dance)

opera, opera house (building designed for the performance of such works)


means, help, services



institution, institute, society

inflection of operare:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative


an opera

an opera house

an opera

an opera house

work, exertion, effort


(especially with ) care, attention bestowed on something (or someone, especially a teacher)

  1. with dative
  2. with ad + accusative
  3. with ut/ + subjunctive
  4. with the subjunctive alone
  5. with the infinitive

with dative

with ad + accusative

with ut/ + subjunctive

with the subjunctive alone

with the infinitive

(in the ablative and with possesive pronouns) one's fault, agency, doing

(in the ablative, with experior) one's own experience

(with ūnā or eādem) manner, way

spare time for something (see #Usage notes)

a day's labour

day labourer, farmhand

  1. any kind of worker
  2. hired aider, tool, rowdy

any kind of worker

hired aider, tool, rowdy

deed, activity, effort


nominative/accusative plural of opus



to operate

inflection of operar:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative

opera (theatrical work)

opera house (building)

inflection of operar:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative

to operate


inflection of operar:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative


an opera; a musical theatre play

an opera house; an institution or building where opera is performed

act of operating (in surgery)



opera house


Source: wiktionary.org