What is the meaning of Lupus?

Any of a number of autoimmune diseases, the most common of which is systemic lupus erythematosus.



wolf (C. lupus)

an animal which acts in the savage manner of a wolf, particularly:

  1. pike (Esocidae)
  2. wolffish (Anarhichadidae)
  3. an uncertain kind of spider

pike (Esocidae)

wolffish (Anarhichadidae)

an uncertain kind of spider

a tool which is shaped like a wolf's tooth, particularly:

  1. a kind of bit
  2. a kind of handsaw
  3. a kind of hook used for hoisting objects

a kind of bit

a kind of handsaw

a kind of hook used for hoisting objects

hops (H. lupulus)



Source: wiktionary.org