What is the meaning of Emoji?

A digital graphic icon with a unique code point used to represent a concept, object, person, animal or place, originally used in Japanese text messaging but since adopted internationally in other contexts such as social media. Or, by extension, any non-standard emoji-like image inserted inline in text, i.e. an image emoticon.


emoji (digital graphic icon used to represent a concept or object)

A digital graphic icon with a unique code point used to represent a concept or object, originally used in Japanese text messaging but since adopted internationally in other contexts such as social media.


Rōmaji transcription of えもじ

emoji (digital graphic icon used to represent a concept or object)

emoji (digital graphic icon used to represent a concept or object)

emoji (digital graphic icon used to represent a concept or object).

an emoji

emoji (digital graphic icon used to represent a concept or object)

Source: wiktionary.org