What is the meaning of Dot?

A small, round spot.

A punctuation mark used to indicate the end of a sentence or an abbreviated part of a word; a full stop; a period.

A point used as a diacritical mark above or below various letters of the Latin script, as in Ȧ, Ạ, Ḅ, Ḃ, Ċ.

A symbol used for separating the fractional part of a decimal number from the whole part, for indicating multiplication or a scalar product, or for various other purposes.

One of the two symbols used in Morse code.

A lump or clot.

Anything small and like a speck comparatively; a small portion or specimen.

A dot ball.

buckshot, projectile from a "dotty" or shotgun

Clipping of dotty (shotgun).

confinement facility

To cover with small spots (of some liquid).

To add a dot (the symbol) or dots to.

To mark by means of dots or small spots.

To mark or diversify with small detached objects.

To punch (a person).

Dot product of the previous vector and the following vector.

A dowry.

Expresses impossibility, thus it corresponds to "Can't" in negative sentences and "can" in interrogative ones.


gift, talent

Atlantic wreckfish (Polyprion americanus)

a tuft, a bunch, a clump

a lot, a large amount

cutie, something small and adorable

darling, sweetie (almost always used in its diminutive form - dotje)

a swab

dowry, marriage portion

Contraction of do do (to your sg, for your sg).




to give (to hand to someone, so that s/he can have it)

to give, to provide (to allow the use of a material object, to free a place for someone else's use)

to give in marriage

to allow (e.g., a son or daughter) to work, to be employed

to give, to grant, to procure, to secure (a state, circumstances)

to give, to dedicate, to donate, to provide (at birth)

to allow, to permit

to give (to express orally or in writing)

to give (to add to a text)

to be given, to be known from the start

to give (to create, to inspire, to generate)

to give, to provide, to be the cause (of something)

to give, to produce, to create

to give, to pay

to give, to estimate as

to hit

to shoot, to give a shot

inflection of doen:

  1. second-person plural present indicative
  2. second-person plural imperative

second-person plural present indicative

second-person plural imperative

nipple, teat

yonder, that way over there (very far from speaker and listener)




Source: wiktionary.org