What is the meaning of Divisioun?

Division; the act of dividing or splitting:

  1. Apportionment; division into sections.
  2. The mathematical operation of division.
  3. Separation from the mortal world; death.

Apportionment; division into sections.

The mathematical operation of division.

Separation from the mortal world; death.

That which is divided; the result of a split:

  1. A section, group, or class (especially of people)
  2. Strife, dissension, or separation resulting from it.
  3. A portion or division; a demarcated part.
  4. A border; a division between territories.

A section, group, or class (especially of people)

Strife, dissension, or separation resulting from it.

A portion or division; a demarcated part.

A border; a division between territories.

A distinguishing, defining or identifying attribute.

Description or delineation; the act of determining.

Inconsistency, unharmony; that which contradicts or grates.

A pause or halt; the act of stopping.

Source: wiktionary.org