What is the meaning of Animus?

The basic impulses and instincts which govern one's actions.

A feeling of enmity, animosity or ill will.

intention, motivation

The masculine aspect of the feminine psyche or personality.

conditional of animi

life, life force, soul, vitality (that life-giving aspect which animates a thing)

conscience, intellect, mind, reason, sensibility, understanding (the intellectual dimension of the human mind in general; the seat of the rational and other thoughts a person experiences)

heart, mind, spirit (the affective dimension of the human mind in general; the seat of the emotions and feelings a person experiences)

affect, emotion, feeling, impulse, passion (the essence of that which is situated within the affective mind)

certain particular emotional aspects of one's affective makeup: affection; aggression; courage; pride; will (firmity or fixity of purpose), determination, firmness, resoluteness, resolve; wrath, anger, ire

motive, motivation, reason (any intellectually or emotionally based incentive to act in a particular manner)

aim, aspiration, design, idea, intent, intention, plan, purpose, resolution (that which exists in the mind as a formulation, and causes a subject to act or to behave in a particular manner)

disposition, inclination, nature, temperament (the inherent emotional disposition of a human being, by extension of the affective dimension)

affect, mood, temper (the instant mental state of a human being)

beloved. dearest, heart, soul

bravado, elation, high spirits

animus (the masculine aspect of the feminine psyche or personality)

Source: wiktionary.org