What is the meaning of Passion?

A true desire sustained or prolonged.

Any great, strong, powerful emotion, especially romantic love or extreme hate.

Fervor, determination.

An object of passionate or romantic love or strong romantic interest.

Sexual intercourse, especially when very emotional.

The suffering of Jesus leading up to and during his crucifixion.

A display, musical composition, or play meant to commemorate the suffering of Jesus.

Suffering or enduring of imposed or inflicted pain; any suffering or distress.

The state of being acted upon; subjection to an external agent or influence; a passive condition

The capacity of being affected by external agents; susceptibility of impressions from external agents.

An innate attribute, property, or quality of a thing.

Disorder of the mind; madness.

To suffer pain or sorrow; to experience a passion; to be extremely agitated.

To give a passionate character to.

genitive singular of passio


Alternative form of passioun


passion of Christ

passion (suffering)

  1. the ordeal endured by Jesus in order to absolve humanity of sin

the ordeal endured by Jesus in order to absolve humanity of sin

(romantic, intellectual, etc.) passion

a passion (object of passion)


Source: wiktionary.org