What is the meaning of đ?

A letter of the Brahui Latin alphabet. Its analog in Arabic script is ڈ.

The eighth letter of the Jarai alphabet, written in the Latin script.

The ninth letter of the Skolt Sami alphabet, written in the Latin script.

Additional letter in Slovene common mostly in loanwords from Serbo-Croatian.

The name of the Latin script letter Đ / đ.

Phonetic transcription of sound [].

The seventh letter of the Northern Sami alphabet, written in the Latin script.

The 8th letter of the Serbo-Croatian Latin alphabet (gajica), preceded by and followed by e.

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Written form of de often found on signs rather than in literature

The seventh letter of the Vietnamese alphabet, called đê or đờ and written in the Latin script.

Source: wiktionary.org