What is the meaning of Tat?

ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-3 language code for Tatar.

Cheap and vulgar tastelessness; sleaze.

Cheap, tasteless, useless goods; trinkets.

Gunny cloth made from the fibre of the Corchorus olitorius (jute).

To make (something by) tatting.

A pony.

A tattoo.

To apply a tattoo.

Alternative form of tatt (a die, especially one that is loaded)

Alternative form of tatty (kind of woven mat or screen)

Some small thing, especially that which is exchanged tit for tat.

first/third-person singular preterite of tun

stern (the rear part or after end of a ship or vessel)



boulder, large rock, cliff, crag, precipice

stone slab

glad, cheerful



father, dad

third-person feminine singular perfect of ta


Pronunciation spelling of "ta det" (take it).


second-person singular imperative of tatmak

Turkmens from tribes or regions culturally influenced by Uzbeks or Persians, or Turkmens speaking a dialect with foreign features and no vowel length distinction.


Tats, an ethnic minority in North Khorasan


Source: wiktionary.org