What is the meaning of Stary?

Alternative spelling of starey


old (having existed in the past)

old (having existed for a long time)

old (that is no longer valid)

old (of a living being, having lived for most of the expected years)

older (having been born before another)

old person


high rank or position

elected head of a rural subdivision

old (of a living being, having lived for most of the expected years)

old (characteristic of such a being)

old (having a lot of experience)

old (having existed for a long time)

old (destroyed or worn-out)

old (that is no longer valid)

old (having existed for a while but not outdated)

old (familiar, having been known to the speaker for a long time)

old (not fresh)

old man (father)

old man

old man (husband)

friend, dude

old (of someone or something that has existed for a relatively long time)

old (not new)

old (of a living being, having lived for most of the expected years)

old (that is no longer valid)

old (known to the speaker for a long time)

old (having a lot of experience)

old (not fresh)


Source: wiktionary.org