What is the meaning of Moon?

Alternative letter-case form of Moon (the Earth's only permanent natural satellite).

Any natural satellite of a planet.

A month, particularly a lunar month.

A representation of the moon, usually as a crescent or as a circle with a face; a crescent-shaped shape, symbol, or object.

A crescent-like outwork in a fortification.

The eighteenth trump/major arcana card of the Tarot.

The thirty-second Lenormand card.

In hearts, the action of taking all the point cards in one hand.

To display one's buttocks to, typically as a jest, insult, or protest.

To gaze at lovingly or in adoration.

(usually followed by over or after) To fuss over something adoringly; to be infatuated with someone.

To spend time idly, absent-mindedly.

To expose to the rays of the Moon.

To adorn with moons or crescents.

To rise in price rapidly or suddenly.

To shoot the moon.



Synonym of mon (Classifier: c)

Synonym of mon

Contraction of oon (I'm).

verbal noun of moon


urinate, micturate, pee



Source: wiktionary.org