What is the meaning of Map?

ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-5 language code for Austronesian languages.

A visual representation of an area, whether real or imaginary, showing the relative positions of places and other features.

A graphical or logical representation of any structure or system, showing the positions of or relationships between its components.

A function, especially a function satisfying a certain property (e.g. continuity, linearity, etc.; see Usage notes).

Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genera Araschnia (especially, Araschnia levana) and Cyrestis, having map-like markings on the wings.

The face.

An imaginary or fictional area, often predefined and confined, where a game or a session thereof takes place.

Synonym of associative array.

To represent by means of a map.

To create a map of; to examine or survey in order to gather information for a map.

To have a direct relationship; to correspond.

To create a direct relationship to; to create a correspondence with.

To act as a function on something, taking it to something else.

To assign a drive letter to a shared folder.




directory, folder

folder: An organizer that papers are kept in, usually with an index tab, to be stored as a single unit in a filing cabinet.


genitive plural of mapa

Alternative form of mapa


Source: wiktionary.org