What is the meaning of Industrial?

Of or relating to industry, notably manufacturing.

Produced by such industry.

Used by such industry.

Suitable for use in such industry; industrial-grade.

Massive in scale or quantity.

Employed as manpower by such industry.

Having many industries; industrialized.

Belonging or pertaining to the genre of industrial music.

An employee in industry.

An enterprise producing tangible goods or providing certain services to industrial companies.

A bond or stock issued by such a company.

A film made for use within an industry, not for a movie-going audience.

Short for industrial music.

Short for industrial piercing.



industrial architecture (objects of industrial and post-industrial architecture)

industrial art (aesthetic current in art looking for inspiration in forms associated with industrial civilization)

industrial music (noisy, experimental genre of music with transgressive themes)

industrial piercing (piercing, especially of the upper ear cartilage, in which two pierced holes are connected with a single straight piece of jewelry)




Source: wiktionary.org