What is the meaning of Extinct?

Of fire, etc.: no longer alight; of a light, etc.: no longer shining; extinguished, quenched.

Of feelings, a person's spirit, a state of affairs, etc.: put out, as if like a fire; quenched, suppressed.

Of customs, ideas, laws and legal rights, offices, organizations, etc.: no longer existing or in use; defunct, discontinued, obsolete; specifically, of a title of nobility: no longer having any person qualified to hold it.

Of an animal or plant species, a class of people, a family, etc.: having died out completely; no longer in existence.

Of a geological feature: no longer active; specifically, of a volcano: no longer erupting.

Of a radioisotope: no longer occurring primordially due to having decayed away completely, due to too short of a half-life; for example, neptunium-237 (half-life about 2 million years). (See Extinct radionuclide.)

Of a person: dead; also, permanently separated from others.

Synonym of extinguish

  1. To stop (fire, etc.) from burning; also, to stop (light, etc.) from shining; to put out, to quench.
  2. To kill (someone).
  3. To put an end to (something) completely; to annihilate, to destroy.
    1. To cause (an animal or plant species) to die out completely or become extinct (adjective sense 4).

      To stop (fire, etc.) from burning; also, to stop (light, etc.) from shining; to put out, to quench.

      To kill (someone).

      To put an end to (something) completely; to annihilate, to destroy.

      1. To cause (an animal or plant species) to die out completely or become extinct (adjective sense 4).

        To cause (an animal or plant species) to die out completely or become extinct (adjective sense 4).

        To suppress (something, as feelings, a person's spirit, a state of affairs, etc.); to quench.

        To abolish or make void (a law, a legal right, etc.); also, to cancel (a creditor's claim, a licence, etc.).

        Synonym of extinction (the action of becoming or making extinct; annihilation)

        Source: wiktionary.org