What is the meaning of Even?

Flat and level.

Without great variation.

Equal in proportion, quantity, size, etc.

Divisible by two.

Convenient for rounding other numbers to; for example, ending in a zero.

On equal monetary terms; neither owing nor being owed.

On equal terms of a moral sort; quits.

Parallel; on a level; reaching the same limit.

Without an irregularity, flaw, or blemish; pure.

Associate; fellow; of the same condition.

To make flat and level.

To equal or equate; to make the same.

To be equal.

To place in an equal state, as to obligation, or in a state in which nothing is due on either side; to balance, as accounts; to make quits.

To set right; to complete.

To act up to; to keep pace with.

Exactly, just, fully.

In reality; implying an extreme example in the case mentioned, as compared to the implied reality.

Emphasizing a comparative.

Signalling a correction of one's previous utterance; rather, that is.

An even number.


even though; even if

shortly, briefly

for a short period, for a while

for a moment; modal particle indicating that the speaker expects that something will require little time or effort.

just as, to the same degree (used with an adjective)

quite, rather

even, opposite of odd

even, equal

just as, equally

smoothly, evenly

impartially, justly


Alternative form of hevene

definite singular of eve

Source: wiktionary.org