What is the meaning of Congestion?

The hindrance or blockage of the passage of something, for example a fluid, mixture, traffic, people, etc. (due to an excess of this or due to a partial or complete obstruction), resulting in overfilling or overcrowding.

  1. An accumulation or buildup, the act of gathering into a heap or mass.

    An accumulation or buildup, the act of gathering into a heap or mass.

    Blocking up of the capillary and other blood vessels, etc., in any locality or organ (often producing other morbid symptoms); local hypermic, active or passive.

    An excess or accumulation of something.

    1. An excess of traffic; usually not a complete standstill of traffic, so usually not synonymous with traffic jam.

      An excess of traffic; usually not a complete standstill of traffic, so usually not synonymous with traffic jam.

      An excess of mucus or fluid in the respiratory system; congestion of the lungs, or nasal congestion.

      Edema, water retention, swelling, enlargement of a body part because of fluid retention in tissues and vessels.



      Source: wiktionary.org