What is the meaning of Bin?

ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-3 language code for Edo.

A box, frame, crib, or enclosed place, used as a storage container.

A container for rubbish or waste.

Any of the discrete intervals in a histogram, etc

Any of the fixed-size chunks into which airspace is divided for the purposes of radar.

Jail or prison.

Short for loony bin (lunatic asylum).

To dispose of (something) by putting it into a bin, or as if putting it into a bin.

To throw away, reject, give up.

To convert continuous data into discrete groups.

To place into a bin for storage.

son of; equivalent to Hebrew בן (ben).

Contraction of being.

Alternative form of been

Clipping of binary.




Manuel de Codage transliteration of bjn.

to come

Marks simple past tense

Nonstandard spelling of bīn.

Nonstandard spelling of bǐn.

Nonstandard spelling of bìn.

foundation, bottom; base

below, under, beneath


present stem of vinde



Alternative spelling of bien

first-person singular present of sein

son (of)

Rōmaji transcription of びん

construct form of iben

to bind

to come

son of

indefinite plural of bi

Marks the simple past tense.

bean, beans


second-person singular imperative of binmek

bin, trashcan

Soft mutation of pin (pine trees).

Source: wiktionary.org