What is the meaning of ?

The second letter and vowel of the Devanagari script.


The second vowel in Dhivehi, written in Devanagari script


he, this


Used to represent the [ɑ~ʌ] sound in Sherpa.

the second vowel of Hindi

inflection of आना (ānā):

  1. stem
  2. second-person singular intimate present imperative


second-person singular intimate present imperative

The second vowel in Marathi

The second vowel in Nepali.

low-respectful second-person singular imperative of आउनु (āunu)

separated form of आ- (ā-)

up to ... exclusively

With senses determined by the ablative case

  1. up to, to, as far as
  2. from

up to, to, as far as


Source: wiktionary.org