What is the meaning of Recycle?

To break down and reuse component materials.

To reuse as a whole.

To collect or place in a bin for recycling.

To be recycled.

To discard into a recycling bin.

To put (a person) through a course of training again.

To skate toward the rear of the engagement zone to maximize the time that an opposing jammer must spend before returning to the action.

An act of recycling.

inflection of recycler:

  1. first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctive
  2. second-person singular imperative

first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctive

second-person singular imperative

inflection of recyceln:

  1. first-person singular present
  2. first/third-person singular subjunctive I
  3. singular imperative

first-person singular present

first/third-person singular subjunctive I

singular imperative

Source: wiktionary.org