What is the meaning of Pudding?

Any of various dishes, sweet or savoury, prepared by boiling or steaming, or from batter.

A type of cake or dessert cooked usually by boiling or steaming.

A type of dessert that has a texture similar to custard or mousse but using some kind of starch as the thickening agent.

Dessert; the dessert course of a meal.

A sausage made primarily from blood.

An overweight person.

A term of endearment.


Any food or victuals.

A piece of good fortune.

A pudding, dessert of the custard-type

any dish formed from putting the leftovers of a place such as a bakery together, and mixing them all into one

Alternative form of podynge

pudding (boiled or steamed cake or dessert)

pudding (particularly British types)

A cake or dessert prepared by boiling or steaming.

Any of various savoury dishes prepared in a similar way to a sweet pudding.

A type of dessert that has a texture similar to custard or mousse but using some kind of starch as the thickening agent.

An attractive person; a hottie.

Source: wiktionary.org