What is the meaning of Popular?

Common among the general public; generally accepted.

Concerning the people; public.

Pertaining to or deriving from the people or general public.

Of low birth, not noble; vulgar, plebian.

Aimed at ordinary people, as opposed to specialists etc.; intended for general consumption.

Cultivating the favour of the common people.

Liked by many people; generally pleasing, widely admired.

Adapted to the means of the common people; cheap.

A person who is popular, especially at a school.

An inexpensive newspaper with wide circulation.

A member of the Populares

popular (of the common people)

popular (well-known, well-liked)


popular (liked by many people)

popular (relating to the general public)

popular (aimed at ordinary people)

popular; affordable

democratic (involving the participation of the general public)

civilian (a person who is not working in the police or armed forces)

cheap accommodation

to populate (to add initial data to [a database])

to populate

popular (of the people)

popular (well-liked)


Pertaining to PP (Partido Popular), a Spanish political party

a member or supporter of PP (Partido Popular), a Spanish political party


Source: wiktionary.org