What is the meaning of Mear?

Alternative form of mere ("boundary").


quick, fast, nimble, lively, spirited

precipitate, hasty, rash; quick-tempered, fiery

  1. mad, crazy
  2. furious, raging, mad angry

mad, crazy

furious, raging, mad angry

Alternative form of mearaigh (derange, distract; bewilder, confuse; excite, infuriate; bother, trouble; become distracted, bewildered; become infuriated)

to halve (divide into two)

to piss, to pee

to wet, to urinate accidentally in or on


comparative degree of folle: more

To a greater degree or extent, more

Used to form the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs where -er cannot be used.

Source: wiktionary.org