What is the meaning of Masker?

To render giddy or senseless

To be bewildered.

To choke; stifle.

To decay; rust.

One who wears a mask; one who appears in disguise at a masquerade or wears a mask in a ritual.

That which masks (noise in a signal, etc.).


indefinite plural of maske


inflection of maskeren:

  1. first-person singular present indicative
  2. imperative

first-person singular present indicative


mask, a cover, or partial cover, for the face

  1. used for disguise

    used for disguise

    used for protection.

    Short for masker wajah (facial mask).

    indefinite plural of maske

    imperative of maskere

    indefinite plural of maske

    indefinite feminine plural of maske

    indefinite plural of mask

    Source: wiktionary.org