What is the meaning of Livre?

A unit of currency formerly used in France, divided into 20 sols or sous.

An ancient French unit of weight, equal to about 1 avoirdupois pound.


Alternative form of lyvere (liver)



pound (unit of weight varying between 380g and 552g)

pound (unit of currency)

free; at liberty

Alternative form of livré

Alternative form of livré

book (collection of sheets of paper in a specific order)

livre (medieval French equivalent of a monetary pound)

pound (weight)

free; at liberty


pound (unit of weight)

  1. metrical pound, half a kilogramme, 500 g
  2. imperial pound ≈ 454 g
  3. various values between 300 and 600 g

metrical pound, half a kilogramme, 500 g

imperial pound ≈ 454 g

various values between 300 and 600 g

pound (unit of currency)

grade (level)

inflection of livrer:

  1. first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctive
  2. second-person singular imperative

first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctive

second-person singular imperative





clear, open

free kick

inflection of livrar:

  1. first/third-person singular present subjunctive
  2. third-person singular imperative

first/third-person singular present subjunctive

third-person singular imperative

Source: wiktionary.org