What is the meaning of Heller?

A German coin equivalent to half a pfennig, later used widely as a small coin in Central Europe and the German Empire.

A subdivision of the Czech, Slovakian and Czechoslovakian koruna. 100 hellers make up one koruna.

A noisy, rowdy, troublesome person; hellion.

Obsolete spelling of hellere


inflection of hell:

  1. strong/mixed nominative masculine singular
  2. strong genitive/dative feminine singular
  3. strong genitive plural

strong/mixed nominative masculine singular

strong genitive/dative feminine singular

strong genitive plural

comparative degree of hell

inflection of helle:

  1. strong/mixed nominative masculine singular
  2. strong genitive/dative feminine singular
  3. strong genitive plural

strong/mixed nominative masculine singular

strong genitive/dative feminine singular

strong genitive plural

comparative degree of helle

feminine dative of hell


heller ikke - not ... either, neither

indefinite plural of helle

present of helle

comparative degree of gjerne


heller ikkje - not ... either, neither

indefinite plural of helle


Emphasizes a negative expression.

Source: wiktionary.org