What is the meaning of Favor?

A kind or helpful deed; an instance of voluntarily assisting (someone).

Goodwill; benevolent regard.

A small gift; a party favor.

Mildness or mitigation of punishment; lenity.

The object of regard; person or thing favoured.

Appearance; look; countenance; face.

Partiality; bias

A letter, a written communication.

Anything worn publicly as a pledge of a woman's favor.

A ribbon or similar small item that is worn as an adornment, especially in celebration of an event.

To look upon fondly; to prefer.

To use more often.

To encourage, conduce to

To do a favor [noun sense 1] for; to show beneficence toward.

To treat with care.

To resemble; especially, to look like (another person).




Alternative form of favour

our father

good will, inclination, partiality, favor



favor (instance of voluntarily assisting someone)

favor; goodwill (benevolent regard)

please (seen on warnings and the like)

Alternative form of favoare



Source: wiktionary.org