What is the meaning of Download?

A file transfer to a given computer or device from a remote one through a network connection.

A file that has been or is intended to be transferred in this way.

To transfer data to a given computer from a remote one via a network.

Synonym of upload: to send data from a given computer to a remote one.

Synonym of copy: to transfer data to or from removable media.

Synonym of install: to load software forced.

To load a gun (especially a muzzle-loader) with less propellant than its designed load.

To transfer jurisdiction and responsibility of a government asset or service to a lower level of government.

to download


inflection of downloaden:

  1. first-person singular present indicative
  2. imperative

first-person singular present indicative



download (file transfer to the local computer)

to download

Source: wiktionary.org