What is the meaning of Dharma?

The natural order of the universe; natural law, cosmic order.

One's obligation in respect to one's position in society, or the universe; one's duty, societally or cosmically.

The teachings of the Buddha as one's personal path to enlightenment.

The teachings of the Buddha as a practice to be promulgated and taught.

Rule of conduct.

Romanization of ᬥᬃᬫ


  1. the natural order of the universe; natural law, cosmic order.
  2. one's obligation in respect to one's position in society, or the universe; one's duty, societally or cosmically.
  3. doctrine, truth: the teachings of the Buddha as one's personal path to enlightenment.

the natural order of the universe; natural law, cosmic order.

one's obligation in respect to one's position in society, or the universe; one's duty, societally or cosmically.

doctrine, truth: the teachings of the Buddha as one's personal path to enlightenment.

benevolence, piety, righteousness, virtue

nature, property

religious foundation, temple

benevolent, charitable, pious, righteous, virtuous

dharma (order of the universe, society, etc.; one's social or religious duty in Hinduism; teachings of the Buddha)

Alternative spelling of darma


Alternative spelling of darma

Source: wiktionary.org