What is the meaning of Degradation?

The act of reducing in rank, character, or reputation, or of abasing; a lowering from one's standing or rank in office or society

The state of being reduced in rank, character, or reputation; baseness; moral, physical, or intellectual degeneracy; disgrace; abasement; debasement.

Diminution or reduction of strength, efficacy, or value; degeneration; deterioration.

A gradual wearing down or wasting, as of rocks and banks, by the action of water, frost etc.

A deleterious change in the chemical structure, physical properties or appearance of a material from natural or artificial exposure.

The state or condition of a species or group which exhibits degraded forms; degeneration.

Arrest of development, or degeneration of any organ, or of the body as a whole.

The gradual breakdown of components of a material, as a result of a natural element, i.e.: heat, cold and wind.

Source: wiktionary.org