What is the meaning of Basin?

A wide bowl for washing, sometimes affixed to a wall.

A shallow bowl used for a single serving of a drink or liquidy food.

A depression, natural or artificial, containing water.

An area of land from which water drains into a common outlet; drainage basin.

A shallow depression in a rock formation, such as an area of down-folded rock that has accumulated a thick layer of sediments, or an area scooped out by water erosion.

To create a concavity or depression in.

To serve as or become a basin.

To shelter or enclose in a basin.

inflection of basar:

  1. third-person plural present subjunctive
  2. third-person plural imperative

third-person plural present subjunctive

third-person plural imperative





Alternative form of basyn

Obsolete form of bazin.


water basin

Source: wiktionary.org