What is the meaning of Avatar?

An incarnation of a deity, particularly Vishnu.

The embodiment of an idea or concept; an instantiation, especially a personification or incarnation.

A complex and dynamic digital representation of a person or being in the form of a digital model, used online as a simulation or emulation of a person, or as a person's online alter ego, in a virtual world, virtual chat room, or metaverse.

A simple and static or nearly static digital representation of a person or being in the form of a small digital object, used online as a simulacrum or token of a person or that person's online alter ego, in any digital environment but especially in non-virtual, non-metaversal ones.



avatar (earthly incarnation of a deity, particularly Vishnu)

avatar (physical embodiment of an idea or concept)

avatar (digital representation of a person or being)




  1. the incarnation of a deity, particularly Vishnu.

    the incarnation of a deity, particularly Vishnu.

    a digital representation of a person or being; often, it can take on any of various forms, as a participant chooses. e.g. 3D, animated, photo, sketch of a person or a person's alter ego, sometimes used in a virtual world or virtual chat room.

    avatar (all senses)






    vicissitudes, ups and downs

    Source: wiktionary.org