What is the meaning of Piste?

A downhill trail.

The field of play of a fencing match.

The track left by somebody riding a horse.

racetrack for athletic contests


circus ring

trail, track

inflection of pissen:

  1. singular past indicative
  2. singular past subjunctive

singular past indicative

singular past subjunctive

point, dot, full stop, period

point (zero-dimensional object)

point (particular location)

point, dot (something tiny)

point (mark or stroke above a letter)

point (unit of scoring)

point (unit of font size or spacing)

track or trail (left by an animal or person)

track (road or other similar beaten path)

lead, hint (e.g. in a police investigation)


track (on a recording)


ring in a circus

floor (various activities such as dancing, skating, or fencing)


inflection of pister:

  1. first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctive
  2. second-person singular imperative

first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctive

second-person singular imperative

plural of pista

vocative masculine singular of pistus

adverbial būdinys participle of pisti

plural of pisto


simple past of pisse

Source: wiktionary.org