What is the meaning of 2?

The cardinal number two.

A digit in the decimal system of numbering, as well as octal, and hexadecimal.

A rotational symmetry element in the Hermann-Mauguin notation, indicating a rotation over π (twofold axis).

The two-element Boolean algebra, two-point discrete space or a (canonical) two-element set.

The square of a number or a unit.

the pitch of a tone, whose value depends on local convention (e.g. nearly as high or as low as 1, if four or more numbers are used; mid pitch if the numbers 13 are used; or contrasting with 1 if only '1' and '2' are used)

tone number 2, typically identified with light level yang ping (陽平). May be identified with rising shang tone () if the yinyang distinction is not made.

accent 2 in Norwegian, Swedish and Limburgish.

Abbreviation of to.

Abbreviation of to; designating conversion from one format to another

Abbreviation of too.

Alternative form of 2S; Abbreviation of two-spirited.

Alternative form of 2S; Abbreviation of two-spirit.

Alternative form of de

Used after an isolated affix or clitic to indicate that it has two variant forms, dependent on the vowel harmony of the preceding stem or word.

Source: wiktionary.org