What is the meaning of のせ?

乗せ, 載せ: the 未然形 (mizenkei, incomplete form) and 連用形 (ren'yōkei, continuative or stem form) of 乗せる, 載せる: to put one thing on another

伸せ, 熨せ: the 仮定形 (kateikei, hypothetical form) and 命令形 (meireikei, imperative form) of 伸す, 熨す: to knock someone down; to rise in rank; to go somewhere further away

鶙鵳: rare alternative name for (haitaka), the Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)

能勢: a place in Osaka prefecture

濃施: a place in Fukuoka prefecture

Source: wiktionary.org