What is the meaning of Speak?

To communicate with one's voice, to say words out loud.

To have a conversation.

To communicate or converse by some means other than orally, such as writing or facial expressions.

To deliver a message to a group; to deliver a speech.

To be able to communicate in a language.

To be able to communicate in the manner of specialists in a field.

To utter.

To communicate (some fact or feeling); to bespeak, to indicate.

To understand (as though it were a language).

To produce a sound; to sound.

Of a bird, to be able to vocally reproduce words or phrases from a human language.

To address; to accost; to speak to.

language, jargon, or terminology used uniquely in a particular environment or group.

Speech, conversation. (Can we add an example for this sense?)

Short for speaker point.

a low class bar, a speakeasy.

to speak

Source: wiktionary.org