What is the meaning of Reek?

A strong unpleasant smell.

Vapour; steam; smoke; fume.

To have or give off a strong, unpleasant smell.

To be evidently associated with something unpleasant.

To be emitted or exhaled, emanate, as of vapour or perfume.

To emit smoke or vapour; to steam.

To cause (something) to smell.

A hill; a mountain.

Vapour; steam; smoke; fume

A morning mist rising out of the ground.

The act of smoking a pipe or cigarette, a whiff, puff.

Of a chimney: to emit smoke, to fail to emit smoke properly, sending it back into the room.

To smoke a pipe etc. To emit vapour or steam.

To show anger or fury, to fume, pour out one's spleen.


Source: wiktionary.org