What is the meaning of Nursery?

A place where nursing (breastfeeding) or the raising of children is carried on.

  1. Especially in European countries: a room or area in a household set apart for the care of children.
  2. A place where the pre-school children of working parents are supervised during the day; a crèche, a daycare centre.
  3. A nursery school (a school where pre-school children learn and play at the same time).
  4. The first year of pre-school.

Especially in European countries: a room or area in a household set apart for the care of children.

A place where the pre-school children of working parents are supervised during the day; a crèche, a daycare centre.

A nursery school (a school where pre-school children learn and play at the same time).

The first year of pre-school.

A place where anything is fostered and growth promoted.

  1. A place where animals breed, or where young animals are naturally or artificially reared (for example, on a farm).
  2. A place where young shrubs, trees, vines, etc., are cultivated for transplanting, or made available for public sale, a garden centre; also a plantation of young trees.
  3. A club or team for developing the skills of young players.

A place where animals breed, or where young animals are naturally or artificially reared (for example, on a farm).

A place where young shrubs, trees, vines, etc., are cultivated for transplanting, or made available for public sale, a garden centre; also a plantation of young trees.

A club or team for developing the skills of young players.

Something which educates and nurtures.

Short for nursery cannon (a carom shot involving balls that are very close together).

Someone or something that is nursed; a nursling.

The act of nursing or rearing.

nursery (place for the care of children)

Alternative form of noricerie

Source: wiktionary.org