What is the meaning of Grać?

to play (to participate in a game)

to gamble

to play (to participate in a game) [+ w (accusative) = what game], [+ z (instrumental) = with/against whom], [+ przeciw (dative) = against whom], [+ o (accusative) = for what]

to play (to gamble)

to play, to act (to perform a role in a play, movie, etc.)

to play (to perform or show a play or movie somewhere)

to play (to produce music using a musical instrument) [+ na (locative) = (on) what instrument]

to play (to produce music from a device) [+ z (genitive) = from what device]

to play (to give off sound)

to play (to attempt to achieve or gain) [+ o (accusative) = for what], [+ na (locative) = (on) what]

to play, to pretend to be, to act (to act unnaturally or falsely)

to show (of emotions, to externalize or be seen) [+ w (locative) = in whom]

to shift; to shimmer (to change colors) [+instrumental]

to play well with (to suit or match something) [+ z (instrumental) = with what]

to play (to lay out a card on the table) [+accusative] or [+ w (locative) = what]

to play (to accept a particular suit as the winning suit) [+accusative] or [+ w (locative) = what suit]

to be on (to be in order; to function properly)

to play with (to risk) [+instrumental = with what]

to play, to have fun (to spend time in a fun way)

to sue, to litigate

to bubble; to ferment

to sic (to send an animal after one's hunted animal) [+ na (accusative) = after what game]

to court (to attempt to attract)

to make fun of, to mock

to move something quickly

to undulate, to wave (to cause to resemble a wave)

The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include:

  1. to fight, to battle, to combat

    to fight, to battle, to combat

    to have sex (to have sexual relations with)

    to make a characteristic call during courtship display

    to bark loudly and fiercely while chasing game

    to play; to gamble (to participate in a certain game,, i.e. football or poker) [+accusative], [+ na (accusative)], or [+ w (accusative meanswhat)]

    to play (to produce music using a musical instrument) [+accusative = what], [+ na (locative) = (on) what instrument]

    to play (to pretend to be; to take on an imagined role) [+ za (accusative) = whom/what role]

    Source: wiktionary.org