What is the meaning of Fulfillen?

To perform or do (a deed):

  1. To fulfil a task or duty.
  2. To fulfil a prophecy or prediction.

To fulfil a task or duty.

To fulfil a prophecy or prediction.

To fill; to make something full:

  1. To suffuse or instill; to fill with.
  2. To satisfy; to make happy or satiated.

To suffuse or instill; to fill with.

To satisfy; to make happy or satiated.

To finish or end; to become or make complete:

  1. To pass or end.
  2. To live (for a specified time)

To pass or end.

To live (for a specified time)

To replace or supply; to be substituted for.

To be full of; to spread throughout.

To hold a position.

To cause or accomplish.

Source: wiktionary.org