What is the meaning of Freshen?

To become fresh.

  1. To be refreshed.
  2. To become cool.
  3. To become not salty, to lose its salinity.

To be refreshed.

To become cool.

To become not salty, to lose its salinity.

To become stronger.

To begin or resume giving milk, especially after calving; to cause to resume giving milk.

To make fresh.

  1. To refresh; to revive; to renew.
  2. To make cool.
  3. To make green (vegetation that has become dry).
  4. To remove or cover unpleasant qualities such as staleness, bad odour or taste (in air, breath, water, etc.).
  5. To touch up (makeup); to give (a body part, especially the face) a quick wash.
  6. To touch up the paint on (something).

To refresh; to revive; to renew.

To make cool.

To make green (vegetation that has become dry).

To remove or cover unpleasant qualities such as staleness, bad odour or taste (in air, breath, water, etc.).

To touch up (makeup); to give (a body part, especially the face) a quick wash.

To touch up the paint on (something).

To give redness to (the face or cheeks of a person with light skin).

To make less salty; to separate, as water, from saline ingredients.

To relieve, as a rope, by change of place where friction wears it; or to renew, as the material used to prevent chafing.

To top up (a drink).

To top up (primer) in a firearm.

Source: wiktionary.org