What is the meaning of Fog?

A thick cloud that forms near the ground; the obscurity of such a cloud.

A mist or film clouding a surface.

A state of mind characterized by lethargy and confusion.

A silver deposit or other blur on a negative or developed photographic image.

Distance fog.

To become covered with or as if with fog.

To become obscured in condensation or water.

To become dim or obscure.

To make dim or obscure.

To spoil (film) via exposure to light other than in the normal process of taking a photograph.

To cover with or as if with fog.

To disperse insecticide into (a forest canopy) so as to collect organisms.

To obscure in condensation or water.

To make confusing or obscure.

A new growth of grass appearing on a field that has been mowed or grazed.

Tall and decaying grass left standing after the cutting or grazing season.


To pasture cattle on the fog (of), or aftergrass, of; to eat off the fog from (a field).

To become covered with the kind of grass called fog.

To practice in a small or mean way; to pettifog.

to hold (to keep in one’s hands)

to take (to get into one’s hands)

to catch, to capture (to seize by force, especially to grab or trap an animal)

to receive (to detect a signal from a transmitter)

to listen to, to hear, to understand (to pay attention to someone)

to affect, to harm (to have an effect on, especially detrimentally)

to write (of a pen or other writing instrument, to leave a mark)

to transfer (of ink or dye, to leave a stain upon contact)

to mark (to follow a player not in possession of the ball when defending)

will, going to (used to form the future tense)

to up and (to do something abruptly or unexpectedly)


tooth, cog

tooth (a sharp projection on a saw or similar implement)

(clarification of this definition is needed) fog

Valid cause, valid reason.

Appropriate manner to proceed.

joint, seam

Source: wiktionary.org