What is the meaning of Enden?

definite singular of ende

plural of end

to end

to end, to make end

to end, to come to an end

To come to an end, stop, or termination (usually of an era or event)

  1. To suffer death; to pass away; to die.
  2. Of literary works; to end, to have no more chapters or pages.
  3. To be suffixed or inflected.

To suffer death; to pass away; to die.

Of literary works; to end, to have no more chapters or pages.

To be suffixed or inflected.

To complete or accomplish; to reach completion:

  1. To construct or erect an edifice or structure.
  2. To stop recounting a narrative.

To construct or erect an edifice or structure.

To stop recounting a narrative.

To cause a behaviour, consequence, or effect.

To have a border, margin, or terminus.

To rule or have ultimate power; to realise.

To end, finish, or terminate (usually of an era or event)

To be ended; to be finite or limited.

To vanquish; to cause to die; to inflict fatal wounds.

definite singular of ende

definite singular of ende

to end, to make end

ablative singular of en

Source: wiktionary.org