What is the meaning of Emboss?

To cause (something) to stick out or swell; to extrude; also, to cause (someone or something) to be covered in swellings.

To make (a design on a coin, an ornament on an object, etc.) stand out from a surface.

To represent (a subject) on an object in relief; also, of a design or subject: to stand out on (an object) in relief.

To decorate or mark (something) with a design or symbol in relief.

To decorate (something) with bosses (ornamental convex protuberances); to boss; hence, to decorate (something) richly.

  1. To cause (something) to be prominent or stand out.
  2. To make (speech, etc.) unduly bombastic or grand.

To cause (something) to be prominent or stand out.

To make (speech, etc.) unduly bombastic or grand.

Synonym of boss (a knob or projection)

Of a hunted animal: to take shelter in a forest or wood.

To drive (a hunted animal) to exhaustion by chasing it; to exhaust; hence, to make (a hunted animal) foam at the mouth due to exhaustion from being chased.

  1. To cause (an animal's body, a person's mouth, etc.) to be covered with foam.
  2. To cause (someone, their heart or soul, etc.) to become extremely fatigued; to exhaust.
  3. Of a person: to foam at the mouth; also , to be furious, to rage.

To cause (an animal's body, a person's mouth, etc.) to be covered with foam.

To cause (someone, their heart or soul, etc.) to become extremely fatigued; to exhaust.

Of a person: to foam at the mouth; also , to be furious, to rage.

To enclose or suit (a person) in armour.

To enclose or surround (someone or something).

Source: wiktionary.org