What is the meaning of Dusty?

Covered with dust.

Powdery and resembling dust.

Grey or greyish.

Old; outdated; stuffily traditional.

Ugly, disgusting .

Ugly, unwell, inadequate, bad.

A medium-brown color.

An old bottle of spirits that has been kept for a long time.

A miller .

A supply petty officer.

A recording of music from another era, especially R&B; an oldie.

An old person, especially one who is unwilling to change with the times.

A person of mixed race who has a swarthy complexion.

A migrant farmer from the dustbowl.

A dustman.

A duststorm.

A clump of dust; a dust bunny.

dusty, dust-covered

like dust, powdery

Source: wiktionary.org