What is the meaning of Cuartillo?

A traditional Castilian unit of dry measure, equivalent to about 1.2 L.

A traditional Castilian unit of liquid measure, equivalent to about 0.5 L.

A former coin in Spain and parts of Latin America equal to a quarter-real.

A traditional Galician unit of dry measure, equivalent to about 0.50.75 L depending on the substance measured.

A traditional Galician unit of land area reckoned as the amount needed to sow a cuartillo of seed, varying from 2.530 in different parts of Galicia.

cuartillo, a traditional unit of dry measure equivalent to about 0.5–0.75 L depending on the substance measured

cuartillo, a traditional unit of land area reckoned as the amount of land that can be sown with a cuartillo of seed, varying from 2.5–30 m² in different parts of Galicia

Synonym of neto, a traditional unit of liquid measure

cuartillo, quarter-celemin (a traditional unit of dry measure equivalent to about 1.2 L)

cuartillo, quarter-azumbre (a traditional unit of liquid measure equivalent to about 0.5 L)

cuartillo, quarter-real (a former coin or unit of account in Spain and parts of Latin America)

Source: wiktionary.org