What is the meaning of Clarion?

A medieval brass instrument chiefly used as a battle signal; related to the trumpet, it had a narrow, straight pipe and a high-pitched, piercing sound.

  1. The sound of a clarion (sense 1), or any sound resembling the loud, high-pitched note of a clarion.
  2. An organ stop consisting of pipes with reeds giving a high-pitched note like that of a clarion (sense 1).

The sound of a clarion (sense 1), or any sound resembling the loud, high-pitched note of a clarion.

An organ stop consisting of pipes with reeds giving a high-pitched note like that of a clarion (sense 1).

A charge thought to represent a type of wind instrument, a keyboard instrument like a spinet, or perhaps a rest used by a knight to support a lance during jousting.

Of a sound, a voice, a message, etc.: brilliantly clear.

  1. To announce or herald (something) using a clarion (noun sense 1).
    1. To announce or herald (something) clearly, especially so as to stir or unite people.
  2. Of a thing: to cause (a place) to echo with a sound like that of a clarion.

To announce or herald (something) using a clarion (noun sense 1).

  1. To announce or herald (something) clearly, especially so as to stir or unite people.

To announce or herald (something) clearly, especially so as to stir or unite people.

Of a thing: to cause (a place) to echo with a sound like that of a clarion.

To sound a clarion; also, to make a high-pitched, piercing sound like that of a clarion.

Source: wiktionary.org