What is the meaning of Alveus?

The bed or channel of a river, specifically that followed by the river flowing in its natural or ordinary course.

A thin layer of medullary nerve fibers on the ventricular surface of the hippocampus.

hollow, cavity


  1. hollow, deep vessel, basket, trough, tray; deep cavity, excavation
    1. trough for feeding pigs
    2. dish for food
  2. hold, hull
    1. small ship, boat, skiff
  3. hollowed gaming board
  4. beehive

    hollow, deep vessel, basket, trough, tray; deep cavity, excavation

    1. trough for feeding pigs
    2. dish for food

    trough for feeding pigs

    dish for food

    hold, hull

    1. small ship, boat, skiff

    small ship, boat, skiff

    hollowed gaming board



    riverbed, river channel; canal

    Source: wiktionary.org