What is the meaning of Store?

A place where items may be accumulated or routinely kept.

A supply held in storage.

A place where items may be purchased; a shop.


A great quantity or number; abundance.

A head of store cattle (feeder cattle to be sold to others for finishing); a store cattle beast.

To keep (something) while not in use, generally in a place meant for that purpose.

To contain.

Have the capacity and capability to contain.

To write (something) into memory or registers.

To stock, to fill (a container, repository, etc.) with things.

definite of stor

plural of stor

singular present subjunctive of storen

blind, shade (for a window)


supplies, provisions

livestock, farm animals

(stored) possessions, savings

collection, storage

storehouse, storeroom

value, importance

strong, powerful, intense

violent, threatening, imposing

stern, sharp, harsh

numerous, large in number

large, big, great

coarse, rough

violently, threateningly, imposingly

sternly, sharply, harshly

incense, frankincense, storax

definite singular of stor

plural of stor

definite singular of stor

plural of stor

definite natural masculine singular of stor

Source: wiktionary.org