What is the meaning of Neck?

The part of the body connecting the head and the trunk found in humans and some animals.

The corresponding part in some other anatomical contexts.

The part of a shirt, dress etc., which fits a person's neck.

The tapered part of a bottle toward the opening.

The slender tubelike extension atop an archegonium, through which the sperm swim to reach the egg.

The extension of any stringed instrument on which a fingerboard is mounted

A long narrow tract of land projecting from the main body, or a narrow tract connecting two larger tracts.

A reduction in size near the end of an object, formed by a groove around it.

The constriction between the root and crown of a tooth.

The gorgerin of a capital.

A volcanic plug, solidified lava filling the vent of an extinct volcano.

The small part of a gun between the chase and the swell of the muzzle.

A person's life.

A falsehood; a lie.


A bundle of wheat used in certain English harvest ceremonies.

To hang by the neck; strangle; kill, eliminate.

To make love; to intently kiss or cuddle; to canoodle.

To drink or swallow rapidly.

To decrease in diameter.

A shapeshifting water spirit in Germanic mythology and folklore; a nix.

neck (solidified lava filling the vent of an extinct volcano)

neck (solidified lava filling the vent of an extinct volcano)

Source: wiktionary.org